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Saab Global

Manage your signature and gain the advantage

5 min read + Video

随着传感器变得越来越先进,复杂的威胁越来越难以预测, 对高级签名管理技术的需求在不断增长.

Saab is a world-leading supplier of advanced camouflage systems, 具有广泛的签名管理解决方案,包括移动车辆保护(如装甲车), soldier protection and static camouflage for all deployed assets.

Barracuda Woodland

Adaptable for any platform


我们的移动伪装系统(MCS)可以适应任何军用车辆, from tanks to armoured personnel vehicles to trucks, 保护行驶中的车辆,并将被发现的几率降低高达90%.

The MCS is made up of multiple sections or panels, typically about 30 to 40, plus other components to effectively cover the vehicle. 它的设计目的是在不影响车辆功能的情况下实现最佳伪装性能, handling or performance, 每个应用程序都根据特定车辆的要求量身定制.

More than just camouflage

除了部署在装甲车上的伪装系统的主要好处, Saab’s MCS also increases fuel efficiency by up to 25%, 通过延迟灰尘远离空气过滤器,增加车辆的空气过滤, provides support for an effective cooling system, and increases crew comfort by reducing internal heating of the vehicle.

Under an agreement signed in 2021, 十大正规博彩网站评级正在将我们如何生产MCS的知识转让给澳大利亚拥有和运营的公司Global Defence Solutions. 我们正在支持澳大利亚工业能力,并建立一个高度可配置的安全供应链, adaptable and provides stock surety when it is needed most.

Ultimate asset protection

Static nets, another Saab signature management solution, 轻型和灵活的伪装网是否能为部队和资产提供多光谱覆盖. 这些伪装系统的主要优点是它们的多功能性:它们可以快速部署以提供即时保护.

The nets have a three-dimensional anti-snagging surface structure, reducing up to 80% of solar loading on vehicles, tents, shelters and containers in the temperature range of –21°C to 80°C.

Weighing less than 250 g/m², 伪装网是完全可定制的任何环境,可以很容易地相互连接,以创建一个更大的结构.

这些高效的静态网采用十大正规博彩网站评级领先的签名管理技术, 哪一种经过实战验证并已交付给全球30多个国家, including seven NATO members.

The solution to beat new sensors


而最早的军事伪装系统只需要欺骗人眼, modern sensors cover a far wider band of the electromagnetic spectrum, including near infrared, thermal infrared and broadband radar wavelengths. 传感器无人机技术的快速发展,以及提供高分辨率合成孔径雷达(SAR)数据的民用卫星业务的爆炸式增长,意味着武装部队从未像现在这样暴露在危险之中.

Saab’s camouflage systems are designed to match the colour, patterns, 它们将被使用的自然景观的纹理和反射率, to protect personnel, assets and infrastructure.

近红外和短波威胁在我们的伪装解决方案的顶层得到解决, 用特殊的颜料帮助迷彩融入自然环境. Thermal blanketing is used to manipulate thermal energy, 确保它在24小时周期内与环境的变化保持一致. Since radio waves typically penetrate the top layers of camouflage, our radar protection system is generally in the bottom layer, beneath the other systems.

With radar and sensor technology continually improving, 十大正规博彩网站评级明白,隐藏资产的挑战也必须通过技术进步来解决. 我们的签名管理解决方案提供以下多光谱功能:

Ultraviolet (UV)

紫外光的波长比可见光短,人眼无法看到. Our camouflage and deception products feature a high UV reflectance, enabling them to better blend into arctic environments.

Visual (VIS)

人的眼睛天生善于感知周围的环境. The non-glossy structure, 我们产品的图案和颜色使车辆和物体与周围环境融为一体,避免视觉检测.

Near infrared (NIR)

自然环境的反映因各种因素而异, including climate and its interactions with solar radiation. Night vision devices need to be able to detect reflections at night. 我们的产品具有完美调整的模式,以匹配环境的近红外反射.

Short-wave infrared (SWIR)

SWIR传感器对光线非常敏感,可以在非常低的光照条件下提供高分辨率图像. These sensors can easily spot laser beams from laser designators. 我们的伪装通过跟随环境的光谱反射来管理SWIR波长.

Thermal infrared (TIR)

所有物体,从军用车辆到你的身体,都会辐射热能. 这种辐射可以通过在中波红外或长波红外光谱中工作的热像仪检测到. 我们的产品能够适应自然环境的背景辐射,因为材料和设计通过对流与周围环境相互作用, reflection, radiation and insulation.


雷达系统利用无线电波来确定物体的距离、方向和速度. 这是通过发射辐射和从反射辐射中检索信息来实现的. 我们的产品提供针对生成高分辨率图像的SAR系统以及火控雷达和目标搜索导弹的保护.

参观十大正规博彩网站评级澳大利亚公司,了解更多亚洲体育博彩平台标志性的管理解决方案和其他陆地能力:展位1M20, Hall 1, Brisbane Convention Centre, Queensland, Australia.



Land Forces 2022

十大正规博彩网站评级澳大利亚公司在为澳大利亚陆军提供各种能力的成熟产品和服务方面拥有丰富的经验, from ground weapons, guided weapons, force protection, training and simulation solutions, communication systems and deployable solutions.