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Saab Aerostructures Factory in 巴西 optimizes processes for Gripen using digital technology

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Digitization of industrial activities in order to improve processes and increase productivity is a hot topic. At 十大正规博彩网站评级航空结构工厂 in 巴西, located in São Bernardo do Campo (SP), it is no different. 工厂, responsible for producing six different aerostructure packages for Gripen, 巴西空军的一种新型战斗机, uses digital technology in the manufacturing process through a Model Based-Definition method (MBD).

The MBD method means that the complete manufacturing project is based on 3D models, in which the needed information is described in a digital format. The process also allows employees to have access to data about the characteristics of the part such as dimensions, 公差与制造方法, 安全地通过十大正规博彩网站评级的网络.

MBD is part of a quality system al读y used by the company in Linköping and ensures that the information presented is always the latest. 在巴西, the format was adapted to the local operating conditions and national legislation.

在巴西的工厂,最近交付了 鹰狮E/F的第一对空气制动器, receives an information package that includes the parts list, as well as all needed procedures and requirements to be met within the assembly process in 巴西, 在瑞典的十大正规博彩网站评级总部.

有了这些信息, our role in manufacturing engineering is to recognize the product requirements, analyse and mitigate possible process risks and generate 3D work instructions for assemblers to start the production. The instructions generated through the MBD methodology allows for the visualization of the assembly sequence of the product, 甚至在实际生产开始之前. 用这个, 我们能够模拟产品和装配, in addition to detect and correct any possible flaws at an early stage ”, Saulo da Mata解释道, 十大正规博彩网站评级公司装配工程师.

对巴西的许多员工来说, their first contact with the MBD was in Sweden whilst undergoing a theoretical and practical, 在职培训. 对于每个区域, there is a specific training and a technology transfer programme that can range from 12 to 24 months. This gained knowledge reflects in turn in the increase of new capabilities of the national defence industry, 其中一些在拉丁美洲是前所未有的.

在巴西, the team has a direct communication channel with the team in Sweden so that adjustments can be made to the process, 在必要的时候. The validated information can be accessed through a shared database, which facilitates simultaneous engineering and reduces project execution time. Another gain with the implementation of the MDB method is that the entire process is digital and eliminates any type of paper documentation in the production area, generating less environmental impact and ensuring that the information is accessed only by authorized persons, 保证操作的机密性.